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1st Earnest Dreith

2nd Carmen Blevins

5th Pam Bohl Babb

6th Eric Igo

7th Ryan Martin

18th Paula Brown

19th Logan Martin





2nd Eric & Nikki Igo

8th Robby Crow

10th Jamie Brown

18th Penny Crow

27th Rory Strecker

27th Joel & Pam Babb

29th Kevin & Janet Labude (1985)


3rd Veronica Kirk

9th Terri Strecker

16th Allen Bellamy

16th Savannah Bellamy

19th Nikki Kirk Igo

20th Delia Kirk Gibson

20th Elizabeth Charles

21st Don Dunham

26th Ali (Brown) Reese

29th John Kirk



10th Clay Strecker

13th Joe & Elizabeth Charles (1968)

14th Chris Bellamy

19th Brent & Karen Peters 

20th Devin Martin

25th Jerry Brown

25th Phil & Pat Humble (1970)

31st Katie Williams


4th Tracen Wolfe

5th Louis Stuckey

5th Kathy Morrison

5th Emma Burk

6th Rachel Bohl

7th J.W. Bohl

9th Tori Strecker

9th Don & Jo Andrea Dunham (1963)

10th Ashley & Kevin Burk 

12th C.J.Williams

16th Charlie Williams

24th J.W. & Nancy Bohl

24th Kelly & Kathy Morrison

24th Jonathan Crouse

28th Rory & Terri Strecker

30th Phil Humble


4th Pat Humble

11th Caroline Crow

12th Ty Schoonover

17th Landry Crow

26th Mandy (Brown) Newton

28th Mark Kirk

29th Ezra Joy




1st Barkley & Veronica Kirk

1st Jami Hill Wolfe

3rd Kim Fortney

5th Natalie Bohl

14th Kevin Burk

23rd Sherrie Bellamy

23rd Jo Andrea Dunham

24th Karlee Peters

25th Kevin Labude

2nd Wendy Borden

15th Toby Fisher

15th Clay Hollander

17th Adam Bohl

28th Robby & Penny Crow





13th Cacy Crow

22nd Toby & Celia Fisher

23rd Lauren Bohl

26th Ashley Bohl Burk

28th Joel Babb

28th CJ & Katie Williams


1st Mike Fortney

5th Karen Peters

12th Phil Bohl

16th Debbie Hearn

21st Jakob Babb

24th Deandra Kirk Martin

25th Kelley Morrison

29th Nancy Bohl

31st Celia Fisher

1st Adam & Rachel Bohl

4th Deanna Edmonds

5th Elizabeth Bohl

5th Samuel Williams

5th Seth Martin

8th DeAnn Bohl

10th Dustin Borden

17th Allen & Sherrie Bellamy

23rd Penny Saville

24th Sarah Bellamy

26th Jerry & Paula Brown (1990)

28th Mike & Kim Fortney



1st Gracen Wolfe

1st Phil & DeAnn Bohl

5th Ali & Drew Reese (2019)

6th Clancy Crow

7th Brent Peters

17th Church Birthday, 1933

18th Barkley Kirk

19th Amanda Payne

19th Gina Hollander

20th Janet Labude

23rd Emily Kirk

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